If you want to get results in the gym, lose weight, and gain muscle mass, it is important to perform basic exercises. But we often do them wrong, damaging our health and denying our efforts.
We have developed some recommendations on how to train in the gym properly, effectively, and without damaging your health.
Hip Bridge
Wrong: If you arch your back while doing the hip bridge, you load your lower back instead of your buttocks.
Right: Bend your knees so they are at right angles to the ground. Raise your pelvis and make sure your body forms a straight line from shoulders to knees; It is important. At the top, contract your glutes as much as you can and contract your abdominal muscles.
Alternating Side Lunges
Wrong: If you lean too far forward and bend your knees at a sharp angle, your spine and knees will be overloaded.
Right: keep your back straight and do not lift your pelvis. Make sure your knee is bent at about a 90° angle when squatting.
Wrong: If your back is not straight when doing the plank, the exercise loses its effectiveness and becomes useless.
Right: Keep your body in a straight line from the top of your head to your heels. Keep your arms at a 90 ° angle and don’t bend your neck.
Back Squat
Wrong: If the knees are over the toes, turn your back and place the bar on the neck, transferring the weight to the toes. You can seriously injure your neck and fall.
Good: Make sure the weight of the bar is in line with the middle of your feet. Arch your back and don’t lift your heels off the ground. Keep your thighs parallel to the ground and don’t squat too low.
Grip The Barbell Correctly
Wrong: If the bar is on your neck, it is extremely traumatic.
Right: Pull the elbows back and compress the shoulder blades so that a “shelf” appears through the contraction of the muscles. Place the bar on this shelf as low as possible, as long as you can hold it firmly.
Squat With A Dumbbell Or A Plate
Wrong: Your shoulders are rounded forward, as is your back. Squatting too low gives an additional load.
Right: pull your shoulders back and compress your shoulder blades. Keep your back straight, slightly arched in your lower back. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor when squatting.
Wrong: Your legs and arms are not vertical, putting you at risk of falling and injuring your joints.
Right: Bend your knees, push your chest forward, arch your lower back, and pull your pelvis back. Keep your legs and arms perpendicular to the floor.
Stepping On A Platform
Wrong: the further we go from the platform, the greater the load on our knees rather than on the leg muscles.
Right: straighten your back and compress your shoulder blades. Arch your back slightly and approach the exercise bench or platform. Your knee should be in line with your foot.
Bench Press
Wrong: your knees are bent at an obtuse angle. Your back is straight and the bar is moving forward. Therefore, the load is uneven, and the exercise becomes ineffective.
Right: The bar should be approximately shoulder height. Arch your lower back. Bend your knees and move your feet slightly back toward your hips.
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